Woman's hands

How to Paint Your Nails at Home

After a lengthy search for a non-toxic nail care line that aligned with Onda’s Clean Beauty Standard, we recently added Kure Bazaar to our curation. 90% bio-soured and 12-Free, their pretty palette of polishes doesn’t compromise on grip or shine. That said, painting your own nails is a tough skill to master. From spills and smudges, there's a lot that can go wrong with a DIY manicure but it's not impossible to get salon-worthy nails at home. In fact, with a little practice, patience, the right nail tools, and the perfect polish, you can skip the salon altogether.

Here, our 8 step guide to achieving the perfect mani or pedi (or both!) at home. 


Before picking up any polish, remove old nail color using an acetone-free polish remover, then wash your hands with soap and water. Organize your nail tools and products, including a bowl filled with warm water and a towel, on a flat, stable surface and make sure everything you need is within hands’ reach. 


Once your nails are completely dry (working on wet nails can cause splitting) use a pair of flat edge clippers to cut each nail into your desired shape, then gently smooth out the edges with a nail file.


Apply a drop of cuticle oil onto each nail and then soak your nails in warm water for five minutes to soften the cuticles. Gently push back your cuticles with a wooden cuticle stick. If you have a hangnail, trim it with a cuticle nipper; otherwise, don't cut the cuticles, as this could lead to infection or irritation.

Apply a Base Coat

Dry your nails and remove any remaining oil residue with some acetone-free polish. Base coat is essential, as it protects your nails from staining and also ensures that your nail polish adheres securely to your nails, resulting in a longer-lasting color. Apply one layer of base coat to each nail and allow it to dry before moving on to the next step.

Apply Two Coats of Nail Color

Apply your polish in three strokes beginning at the center of the nail, starting at the base and working upwards towards the tip, avoiding the cuticle, followed by a stroke on either side of the center. Repeat with a second coat and finish with a swipe of color across the tip to prevent chips.

Apply a Top Coat 

Apply a thin layer of top coat to protect against chips and scratches and give your nails a high-shine finish.

Clean Up Any Smudges

Clean up any polish outside the edges of your nails with a cuticle stick wrapped in a thin layer of cotton or a makeup brush dipped in polish remover.

Let Your Nails Dry Completely 

The ultimate way to avoid smudges or streaks? Let your nails dry completely before doing anything. If you’re in a hurry, you can use a fan or a hair dryer (using the coolest setting) to help speed up the drying process. 

Shop Our Non-Toxic Nail Essentials

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